Root Canal Treatment

Do you have a toothache that won’t quit?
Do you feel pain in your gums or are your gums swollen around a certain tooth?
Does it hurt when you eat or drink something hot or cold?
If so, we may be able to help you.
Pain, swelling, sensitivity, pressure, these are all signs that may tell you that a root canal is in order. More directly, they are symptoms of a problem located in the inner chamber of a tooth. Often, infection in pulp tissue results from a cavity that has been left untreated. As bacteria move inward, these microorganisms destroy healthy tissue. The good news is that pulp is not a necessity for fully developed teeth. Removing pulp in the root canal procedure eliminates infection and pain and allows us to preserve the natural tooth structure.
The Root Canal Procedure
Dr. Servet Akyildiz prepares the tooth just as he would treat a cavity.
An opening is made to the root area and pulp tissue, along with nerves and vessels, is removed.
Root canals are sterilized with a dental solution. Filling material is placed into canals to prevent entry to bacteria. The tooth is rebuilt with a beautiful, durable dental crown.
By completing a root canal, Dr. Servet Akyildiz and associates can help you to save your natural tooth and avoid having an extraction altogether. In addition, the tooth is far less likely to ever have any infection again as dental crowns are sturdy and durable.
We also offer dental sedation for any procedure and are happy to discuss this option with you. We want you to be relax and comfortable during your treatment. We offer oral conscious sedation, we are pleased to perform this treatment right here in our office, saving our patients from having to visit another practice and another dental team. With two decades of practical experience and advanced training, Dr. Servet Akyildiz has treated thousands of patients with great success. We hope that you will find our Dental Clinic a comfortable, welcoming practice for you and your family’s dental needs.
If you are suffering from a toothache, please call today! We are here to help you.
When Is the Root Canal Treatment Necessary?
Another name for the treatment is endodontics. If the formation of tooth decay is not treated immediately, the decay grows and begins to damage the nerves in the tooth roots. Inflammation occurs as a result of damage to the nerves. In this case, endodontics is necessary. To clearly reveal whether the tooth needs root canal treatment, taking a dental film is the most correct move.
Local anesthesia is applied during the treatment. Therefore, no pain is felt during the treatment process. Mild pain relievers can be used for sensitivities after treatment. Under normal conditions, endodontics is completed in a single session. However, treatment may take two or three sessions in infected teeth. The temporary filling should be placed on the tooth between sessions to ensure that it does not get air.
Severe toothache is inevitable in cases where treatment is not performed despite the need for treatment. If the pulp loses its vitality after a while, the pain can be relieved. However, in this case, the infection can progress to the jawbone. In such cases, both the problematic tooth and the lateral teeth may be lost. In order not to lose the teeth and to avoid more serious problems, the problem should be solved with root canal treatment.
Is Root Canal Treatment the Exact Solution?
After the root canal treatment, the process is not finished yet for the healthy use of the tooth. After the nerves in the tooth roots are completely cleaned, the tooth should be covered with a permanent filling. If the caries part of the tooth is not in the middle but on the sides, caries on the sides will be cleaned with the treatment. After cleaning, the filling material that will support the side should be used. After the treatment, you can use your teeth in the same way you use your healthy teeth.
Among the people, there is a belief that has nothing to do with reality, such as “root canal treatment kills the tooth”. With root canal treatment, the living tissue inside the tooth is also taken. Therefore, the tooth does not remain sensitive to cold and heat. But there are dozens of vessels and nerves passing through the tooth. Many of these nerves are attached to the tooth after treatment. Naturally, these nerves and vessels continue to function. Naturally, the tooth maintains its vitality. The permanent filling made after the treatment will also cause the tooth to be no different from other healthy teeth.
Another opinion among the public is that the tooth is removed and replaced with applications such as prosthesis or implants. It should not be forgotten that no prosthesis can replace your living tooth. For this reason, it is the most logical method to save the tooth with root canal treatment. Other prosthetic applications are alternatives that should be considered if this treatment does not yield results.

Dental Treatments
- Teeth whitening
- Gum Aesthetics
- Braces (Orthodontics)
- Teeth cleaning (Scaling Removal)
- Impacted Tooth Extraction
- Smile Design (Holywood Smile)
- Implant
- Root Canal Treatment
- Composite Laminate
- Laminated Teeth
- Porcelain Veneer
- Milk Tooth Extraction
- Transparent Plaque Orthodontics (invisalign)
- Zirconium Veneers
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